[En] Finding bottlenecks in complex systems
Olga Heismann
One of the core Kanban practices is to manage flow. This includes taking into account the Theory of Constraints and identifying the bottleneck which is currently limiting the system most. But how do you do this if the flow on your Kanban board does not behave like a cultivated river but more like a wild, widely ramified mountain stream? With the help mathematical graph theory, we will tame the flow and find the bottleneck.

Bad Kanban is good Kanban
Markus Hippeli
Over the years Kanban has evolved in many ways - the possibilities for usage scenarios, metrics, cadences, ways of working and enhancements are endless. A fully blown Kanban system is incredibly powerful - and it is theory. This talk is about coming down to earth. It is for those, who have a hard time in the workplace every day. And feel embarassed because they think their Kanban implementation is pretty shallow and not good enough. Let me tell you a thing: Bad Kanban is good Kanban! If you want to know why - visit this talk! The talk will be in English but, depending from the audience, can be also in German.

Behörden IT im Agilzustand – von Staunen, Erkenntnissen und Veränderungen
Andreas Plath
Wer denkt bei einer Behörde an Agilität? Ich tat das erstmal nicht, als ich vor 1,5 Jahren dort eingesetzt wurde. Überraschend war für mich zu erleben, dass man hier wirklich in Sprints arbeitete, über fünf Teams hinweg, mit Fachverfahren, die sich in einer Webanwendung abbilden mussten. Nach genauerem Hinsehen viel mir auf, dass User Stories schon die Lösung beinhalteten und diese Monate vorher in einer Gremiumssitzung beschlossen wurden. Unsere Business Analysten ließ man bei diesem Entstehungsprozess außen vor. Die Proxy POs machten sich die Mühe diese Stories, die im Grunde fertige Aufgaben waren, tatsächlich als User Stories zu formulieren, weil man dachte, dass man das ja so tun soll. Und das war erst der Anfang… Inzwischen arbeiten wir mehr und mehr mit Kanban - wie es dazu kam, wie wir die Veränderung dahin erlebt und gemanagt haben, was wir daraus gelernt haben und welche Herausforderungen wir dabei hatten und haben - darüber geht dieser Talk.

Using Kanbanize to collaborate remotely using Kanban
Dimitar Karaivanov
In times of remote work and home office digital tools for supporting agility have become more important. Kanbanize is a web based software dedicated to support working with Kanban and established for many years. In opposite to generic agile tools Kanbanize was developed dedicatedly for working with Kanban and thus supports Kanban way better than many other softwares. In this session Kanbanize’s CEO Dimitar shows you how you can make use of Kanbanize to have a perfect Kanban workflow w/o the need for a physical board. Disclaimer: Kanbanize has been a constant supporter of the Kanban community for many years. While the Kanban Community Days are a non commercial event we like to give something back to Kanbanize and offer them this demo slot - the more as in the current pandemic the need for remote work and tool support for that makes it very relevant for Kanban users to know what tools are out there to support them with working with Kanban.